Sabtu, 24 April 2010


Nobody will understand how this world works. I used to say to my self that one day I will visit Nice, France. It was long time ago since my youth (now I am old....hehehe). And then years after years later I had the chance to visit this city but what amuse me more is because of the purpose behind it.

21 April I go to Nice for International conference which I also participate on it. Its not much but still something. I meet great people and really had a good time. My supervisor said it could be a beginning of your future career and to build career is not instant need patience, hardworking, and always be determined. So....VOLCANIC ASH will not stop me for going to Nice......

START THE JOURNEYY...Verona-->Venice-->Rome-->Nice.

The journey begin at the bus stop in front of my hostel, we start at 8.00 am, with doubt about the flight status. Me and Isabel keep checking the updates through website. Because one day before there was a notification that all the airport in Italy is closed.....sshh...!! its soo tend..

Verona Porta Nuova station, coz we need to go to Venice by train, about one and half hour from Verona.

In bus station Piazzale Roma, Venice. wait for shuttle bus to go to the airport.

Yah..pretend as if this car was mine......kikikikikkk

Creative announcement at Marcopolo Airport Venice.

Marcopolo airport.....

Fiumicino airport, Rome...we meet David and Karen Langstaff from Canada who also attend the conference in Nice....I completely forgot to have a picture with them...they had poster in cancer care...very interesting....

Welcome to Nice, Saint Maurice where we drop from Bus number 23, a bus that take us from the airport.


First day conference was the hardest one, coz I am still damn tired, second we still try to find the conference place, third we got cought by a checker guard in the tram and got fine 40 euro per person, just because we don't buy 1 euro ticket....eishhh..!!..we thought we can get free ride like in Verona..hahaha...not again...actually we thought we can buy the ticket inside the tram....well consider it as a welcome greet from Nice........hihiyy..

Acropolis Building where the conference being held, its suppose to be 2000 delegates, but only 600 hundred can make it, due to volcanic ash and flight crisis around Europe.

My poster about "Health Worker Motivation in Indonesia" draw attention from Professor Arthur Jaffe, He is a lecturer at Oregon University, USA. At the last minuts I have to explain briefly about this poster....well better then nothing....coz out of 12 poster from student only three poster manage to be in this conference, the other delegates were canceled. Its a bit dissapointed but the show must go on...yeahh...

My Supervisor Tamara Zerman, explain to the audience about her poster in Safety Culture.

The Next poster is Isabel's is about Infection Control in Malawi, darling....we did a good job.....yeboooo.......

DAY TWO, conference...

Well day two conference we skip the afternoon session and go to the beach...hihi..but don't worry we comeback again for Dennis Quaid presentation. "ZERO is the Number" for medical errors...yess..!!

Lunch break before going to the beach....

Coffe break....I like the croissant but I hate the Lunch box..thank God in the hostel we had chef. 6,50 euro complete dinner. Its really suit with my budget...:p

I wish I could stay in Nice....:p....relaxing session in front of the fountain hihi....

DAY THREE, conference..........

A gentleman with white hair is Professor Charles Vincent, an author of Risk Management Book in Health care sector, He is Urmy darling haha...

Professor Pierra Poletti, she is my lecturer in Verona University and become one of the keynote speaker in plenary session. She said she was not on the list of keynote speaker, she was nervous but when she saw us she relief to know there were faces familiar to her...(yeah my face and Isabel face...two "bomboclatt "stooges..).

With Emma Miles from BMJ forum, thank you Emma for choose my abstract and give the reduction fee...its has been a wonderfull experience for me..

The Bubble Guy, Professor Hans Rosling, expert of International Health.

He was the last keynote speaker, very good one, dramatic, communicative and damn smart, he was explaining about Evidence Based in Global Health. And he can speak Indonesia "Tidak Bagus Harga" (the price is not good) funny because of him BBC interviewed me..hahaha...oh my God....why I don't ask when it will be broadcast....silly nervous in front of camera...

Meet my new fellow, from the left dr. Waleed from UK originally from Syria he hate facebook..haha, and then Timothy from UK but currently work in Malawi...he is Epidemiology expert...

Day four........going back to Verona....

This is the hostel where we stay for four night a bit far from Acropolis but its nice (and cheap). We slept in the 14 female bed room. Its another experience, meet girls from around the world listening to their story. At first night I couldn't sleep coz a british lady who sleeping under me was snoring can't imagine, its like shaw machine....thank God she check out in the next morning. The replacement then a girl from Korea name Ria, she win first price of writing competition by one of travel agent, the price is free ticket to go to Europe. Interesting..

but at third nigth an accident happen, water was leaking from the ceiling and its just above my head, coz I slept in the second stair bed, somebody forgot to close the shower in the second was a mess,wet all over the places and I had to move to another bed, but its okey..I am getting used to a surprise....^_^.....

Me and Isabel reach Verona at 22.00 am, tired and hungry but My dearest friend Urmy cook for us, so we stop by at her place to fill our stomach....Urmy we love you darling mwahaaa....

I am dying to taste again spicy the plane they serves some kind of puding made by carrot....yaks..its like a baby food...

That all the stories friends. I am sure there will be more and more inspiring story coming...The theme for this journey is Hope for the Best prepare for the Worst.

Special thanks to Urmy darling who cook dinner for us, wait for us and then feed us hihi.....also for Tamara Zerman and Professor Tardivo who give me a ride, back to the hostel at the first day of conference coz I am damn exhausted.

All the new colleagues I meet in the conference....hope meet you again next year in Amsterdam.....keep in touch.....


Jumat, 16 April 2010


Hari Jum'at dapat undangan makan siang bareng bersama mommy-mommy KPC (Kumpulan Perkawinan Campur) dari Bolzano, Trento dan Verona, kita makan siang bareng di Resto China yang lumayan laziz makanannya, murah lagi.....enak...setelahnya jalan2 liat pasar traditional di sekitar Arena...

Nyonya penjual aksesoris yang excited banget waktu tahu ejke dentist, dengan sukarela doi memperlihatkan giginya yang ompong sama ejke...hadooohhh...

Pak Camat Gusmang membuka acara makan siang bareng.....

Suasana makan siang yang rame oleh celoteh anak-anak dan ibu-ibu, pembicaraan dari mulai kecap manis sampe sedot ASI..hihihi...

Three beautiful kids of Teh Evi..good product...teh..hihihi...

Baby Angel...ndut dan nggemesin....

Baby Angel adn Mommy Nur....

Baby Valeria and Mommy Sofie...cantik yah...dua2nya...

Teh Evi dan tiga buntutnya...dibelakang Teh Ai...sedang sibuk nelepon Mister Lucano si hubby buat ngejemput doi....

Mommies and Babies in action.......Pak Camat Gusmang yg jadi potograper dan pengarah gaya...

Pengrajin tatah perunggu...keren deh kostumnya Opa...kayak pengerajin jaman dahulu..

Jual keju koq pasang kepala beruang..maksudnya apa....

Ini masih nyambung jual sosis Rusa...

Pulang beli Strawberry...mumpung lagi musim...rasanya asem, manis segerrr......
Seneng bisa kumpul-kumpul sama ibu-ibu dan anak-anaknya yang lucu-lucu itu....kalo jauh dirantau gini jadi kayak sodara....

Rabu, 14 April 2010


Bardolino......salah satu kota yang ada di sepanjang Danau Garda or in Italian mean Lago di Garda. I am planning to make it as my next tourism article, after my article about Verona (Verona the City of Love, History and Beauty) will be published by Grazia Magazine soon. Its such an amazing experiences and if I am not record it then I am a fool.

Me and Nataly eating arabian bread, what a picnic...!!

Isabel told me to do some pose....well this is what happen...

This is Nataly technique to shoot a good picture..eventhough the models are crap..hehe..(me and Isabel)..

Darling never-never again buy 6,50 euro ice cream for your self okayy...there are still people hunger out there..wakakaka..

This remain me on Geneva Lake with the fountain also..

Like Keukenhoff Park in Netherland...full of Tulip flower...

This couple name....Jelly and Belly...they keep following us asking for some charity, like potetoes chips and biscuit...

What a complete scenary...mountain, water, sky, boat, fountain, flowers...wood bench everywhere....sunbath.....heaven of Italy. dear flowers....thank you for cheer up my day has been a marvellous day.......

Alhamdulillah..............Thank you Alloh....for all your bless on me..............